Get to Know the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council
The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) is a federal agriculture research and promotion program with independent oversight from the United States Department of Agriculture. USHBC represents the collective voice of blueberry growers, marketers and importers in North and South America, supporting the innovation and growth of the blueberry industry by raising awareness of blueberries’ benefits among consumer, health professional and stakeholder audiences.
USHBC’s Health Research Committee
USHBC proudly supports independent, peer-reviewed research investigating the potential ways in which blueberries support human health. Our Board-appointed Health Research Committee (HRC) plays an essential role in selecting and overseeing all USHBC-funded research to explore the science behind blueberries. The HRC ensures this research is used in accurate and responsible consumer marketing and stakeholder education programs to underscore blueberries’ value and support demand.
American Heart Association® Certification
Fresh and frozen blueberries are certified heart-healthy through the American Heart Association® (AHA) Heart-Check Food Certification Program. USHBC and its members can use the official heart-check mark on blueberry packaging as well as online, print and other promotional materials and activities.
AHA’s distinctive red-and-white mark offers shoppers an easy, reliable way to identify heart-smart choices – and a vibrant, visible reminder of the healthful benefits that blueberries offer. The certification program uses transparent, science-based criteria regarding healthy dietary recommendations, food categories, specific product ingredients and nutrient values. They are consistent with relevant government regulatory standards for making coronary heart disease claims.