Thanks for Your Interest!
At the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC), we’re passionate about expanding the growing collection of blueberry research. See below for the most recent research funding opportunities and make sure to subscribe to receive the latest research updates, news and announcements.
Statement on USHBC Research
The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) is an agricultural Federal Research and Promotion Board established by the USDA. It was founded by and is funded by its members who are blueberry farmers, processors and importers in North and South America. The USHBC does not sell any product, and operates with independent oversight from the USDA.
The objectives of USHBC are to fund research on the health effects of blueberries and to promote blueberries for the growth and well-being of the entire industry.
USHBC funds research studies that are based on sound science and are conducted by independent researchers at well-established institutions. All publications of research studies are written by the researcher, independent of the USHBC. The Council follows USDA established guidelines and all descriptions of research findings are carefully worded so that conclusions are not overstated or misunderstood by the consumer. In addition, the USHBC promotes blueberries but does not discourage the consumption of any other fruit or vegetable.
Research Funding Opportunities
Check back for future funding opportunities.
Research to Date
While you’re here, browse the existing collection of in-depth blueberry science, and explore the following overview of research specifically funded by the USHBC.